
Diecaster Games

Created by Diecaster Games

Shop the Diecaster Games store, and get your hands on our first game Innkeeper!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update #24. Time to lock orders
23 days ago – Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 02:29:11 PM

This is it! We’re finally getting ready to ship!

We will be locking shipping addresses on September 9th. That means you have a few more days to update your shipping address in your BackerKit survey.

If you need to review your shipping address, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at

Once we lock addresses we plan to charge cards for shipping, and any additional add-on items you purchased through BackerKit. This charge will appear on your bank statement as DIECASTER GAMES, LLC. Please make sure that you have the correct card information on file. If any issues arise with your payment you’ll receive an email letting you know to correct your payment information. 

We’re currently aiming to ship rewards by November!  If you need to change your shipping address, please make the changes in your BackerKit survey by the deadline.


Leander and Kyle

Drone Shot of Cargo Containers Terminal Ships at Dock Port ...

Update #23: Shipping, Pride, and GenCon
2 months ago – Tue, Jul 09, 2024 at 02:48:03 PM

Hello fellow Innkeeper

Wanted to give you a quick update to keep you excited! The game is a few weeks out from being completely printed and we have already connected our shipping company to our production company. Then comes the fun part: Shipping! Already the costs for us have almost doubled for shipping but, not to worry, we somewhat buffered for that in our Kickstarter pricing. So hopefully we continue to come in where we want. 

Diecaster Games presented our company and Innkeeper at a Business group called Minnesota Cup and we were very well received! We have meetings set up with business professionals throughout MN and we even talked to an individual that used to do wholesale for Target! We are getting into some top tier networking spaces. We now have 6 MN local stores that have agreed to sell our games. We are at about 80 copies already accounted for by local stores. Tell your friends in MN to look out for our game. It will even have a sticker on that indicates it is MN Made! 

We recently went to Twin Cities Pride and priced out a booth. Next year we are planning to put in a bid right away to get a spot. So come find us at Twin Cities Pride 2025! The game is going great and Leander and Kyle are having a blast doing it all. 

Lastly, we will be at GenCon 2024! Come visit us in the First Exposure Playtest Hall where we will be playtesting Innkeeper: The Expansion (name tbd honestly). If you are going to GenCon let us know in the comments. Maybe we will see you there and you can get one our convention exclusive promo cards for when you get the base game!

Can't wait for you to get the game in your hands!

Update #22. Printing Has Begun!
4 months ago – Mon, Jun 03, 2024 at 07:23:03 AM

Hello Backers,

We have finalized our order with WhatZ Games and they are beginning their printing process! We didn't realize how many details would need to be finalized before we could press the print button. Right now they are estimating a mid-August completion of printing. Then we are off to start cross-ocean shipping. We have already been in contact with our shipping company, Ark, and we have already connected Ark and WhatZ Games. We feel confident we will still get the game at the estimated timeframe we provided in the Kickstarter (November). 

Cross all fingers and do whatever else you can to help ensure a smooth printing and shipping process. We have come so far and can't wait to get these finalized copies to you!

Leander and Kyle 

Look at THIS guy below.....what a ham. 

Udpate #21. Few more surveys and pre-orders
4 months ago – Fri, May 17, 2024 at 11:31:42 AM

Hello Backers,

We are excited to announce that we only have 30 surveys left that have not been filled out to date. I have talked to some of those Backers and they simply haven't had time to fill out the Backer survey. We are excited to have so many of you already committed and locked in once we start shipping. Makes the process easier when your Backers are already strapped in and ready to receive their game. Please fill out the survey if you haven't already. 

Special thanks to those of you that bought extra copies of the games and the player mats. We have been selling pre-orders to additional stores here in MN and we have a feeling these player mats are going sell out fast. Get your copy!

Lastly, we wanted to celebrate our first pre-orders. We have 4 pre-order copies of the game and the player mats confirmed for pre-order. These are additional copies of the game beyond our Kickstarter. Excited to see us move product and be in a place to order more! 

As usual, if you have any questions you can connect with us directly. You can email [email protected] and/or [email protected]

Pics at Denver's Wednesday Boardgame Night. We got a new world champion in amount of gold!

Post #20. Surveys are out!
5 months ago – Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 06:10:40 AM

You likely already received your survey since almost 40% of surveys are completed. Awesome! If you didn't receive your survey, double-check which email you signed up with, and check your spam/junk folder. If you still can't find it, reach out to Backerkit and they will help you find your survey: 

For those of you who have never gone through a crowdfunding for board games, the survey is where you pay for shipping and sales tax (if applicable in your location). We know shipping costs have spiked due to recent/current wars and issues in the Red Sea. We worked with our shipping company weekly to ensure our costs were current and accurate before sending the survey.

We are so excited to be at this step in the process! Things will start moving fast in the background at this point. We are still on track for a November arrival (maybe earlier?? eek!! Don't quote me!!!!) :-)

Have a great week!

Leander and Kyle